//tst ATS

Aniruddha Telemetry Systems Pvt. Ltd. helps its customers have a better visibility on their production systems. We have been involved with Power plants , mines , heavy industries , pharmaceuticals and logistics companies to help them and enable then to improve their “ Now factor “ . we can analyse old data to understand and what happened , we can plan and forecast what may happen in future but all real actions are to be done NOW and that is where ATS helps its customer the most.

There will never be any more perfection than there is “NOW” ….. (Walt Whitman …. ) ATS is your “NOW” partner to make these perfection & upgradation possible.

We offer Real-time data and analytics which helps in taking corrective actions and improvement at each stage of process as they happen. Deviations are highlighted live in real-time so that corrective actions can be taken on-time and result optimizations are achieved successfully.

Our esteemed clients are from various fields including Mines & Metals, Pharmaceuticals, Telecommunication and Logistics.

We deliver the benefits of industry 4.0 to our customers which results into

Higher Productivity

Improved Efficiency

Better Resource utilization

Precise Decision making

BOST Process

We follow the process of BOST to ensure success for our customers.
BOST stands for



We provide the solution to fit your organization requirement and culture .



Buying a software is easy but making in work in your environment is our focus to achieve it we operate the solution with you .



We ensure the KPI’s defined are achieved .



We do not lock the customers , the solution is handed over to them to run it.